Policies & Procedures


As a student of this Centre, you agree to adhere to Centre regulations, demonstrate respect for all individuals and property, and engage in your studies with diligence at all times.


Student registration involves verifying all necessary documents and completing placement tests if required. Our office staff will handle document verification. For the most current information on entrance requirements, please visit www.slaec.ca or call 514-337-3856.


  • A non-refundable service and administration fee is required at registration:
  • $90.00 for Academic students
  • $100.00 for CCBE Basic English, Literacy, and Pre-Secondary students
  • A $20.00 re-instatement fee applies if a student's file is reopened after 5 consecutive days of absence.
  • Academic students are required to purchase their textbooks.


Students without an official transcript from the Ministère de L'Éducation, de L'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, or those with transcripts over 10 years old, must complete placement tests in English, French, and Mathematics. These results are used to place students at the appropriate academic level to ensure efficient learning and increased chances of success.

Placement tests are also required for all new CCBE students to assess their English and French proficiency levels.


The Centre offers traditional instruction in English, French, Science, Math, and Option courses. Individualized courses may be available for English, French, and Math. Repeating courses is only permitted for students who have failed despite good attendance, punctuality, and effort.


The Testing Centre is open twice a week. Please refer to the schedule posted outside the main office. Exam Request Forms must be submitted electronically to the office by the subject teacher at least three days in advance.


To qualify for a final exam or re-write, a student must demonstrate their learning through the following:

  • Complete all course objectives
  • Attend at least 75% of class hours
  • Complete all homework, classwork, and assignments
  • Obtain a minimum of 75% on all forms of formative evaluation

A completed exam is considered official, and students submitting blank answer sheets will receive a zero.

If a student misses a final exam, they must obtain approval from the administration to reschedule. A valid reason (supported by official documentation, e.g., medical or legal) is required. Students are allowed only one opportunity to re-write an exam. Depending on the course, students who miss exams in English, French, or Science may need to repeat the course. All re-writes must be completed before the end of the session.


  • Students are admitted within the first 15 minutes of the scheduled exam time. After this period, admission is not allowed, especially for exams with a listening component.
  • Students cannot leave and re-enter the Testing Centre once an exam has started.
  • Personal belongings (including phones) are not permitted in the Testing Centre.
  • Silence must be maintained at all times, and communication with other students is prohibited.
  • Any errors in the exam must be reported immediately to the exam supervisor.
  • Cheating is not tolerated. Students suspected of cheating will be asked to leave immediately, must report to the office, and will receive a zero. Cheating may also result in dismissal from the Centre.
  • Phones are not permitted during exams. Students suspected of photographing the exam will be asked to leave and meet with administration. Such students will receive a zero and may be dismissed.
  • Calculators, dictionaries, or textbooks may only be used if approved by the exam supervisor.
  • All exam materials (tests, answer sheets, etc.) must be returned to the supervisor. After completing the exam, students must return to their classroom and submit their Testing Centre sign-in slip to the teacher.

For questions regarding these procedures, please contact the administration.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Once enrolled, students are committed to completing their courses. Changing or dropping courses may not be possible without administrative approval. Failure to attend regularly, be on time, complete assignments, or demonstrate effort may result in an administrative review, which could impact enrollment status.

Subsidized students who fail to maintain good attendance and work ethic may lose their benefits.


Regular, punctual attendance is crucial for academic success. If you must be absent, please inform your teachers and the administration. Absences of 5 days or more require written medical documentation. Absences exceeding 3 days should be reported by phone to the Centre at (514) 337-3856. Frequent absences may jeopardize your success and put your entire session at risk.


By enrolling at the Centre, you agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Respect the Centre’s regulations, work diligently, and treat all individuals and property with respect.
  • Adult Education students may not use youth sector facilities without prior permission.
  • Fraternizing with high school students is prohibited.
  • Appropriate attire is required at all times.
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is prohibited on the premises, including the parking lot, and within nine meters of any entrance. Violations may result in dismissal.
  • Smoking inside the building will lead to immediate dismissal.


Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are scheduled. Once enrolled, students are committed to completing their courses for the session.


There is no parking available for students during the daytime. Students are encouraged to use public transportation or park on nearby residential streets.


To earn a Secondary School Diploma, students must accumulate at least 54 credits at the Secondary IV or V level, including:

  • 12 credits in Language of Instruction (6 at Secondary V)
  • 8 credits in Second Language (4 at Secondary V)
  • 4 credits in Social Universe
  • 8 credits in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (including 4 in mathematics)
  • 22 elective credits (10 at Secondary V)

Please consult with the academic advisor for specific details on graduation requirements.


Classes may be canceled due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. Notices will be announced on local radio and television stations, or on the EMSB website. Adult Education classes will be specifically mentioned.


The main office is open during the following hours:

  • Academic Office: Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 4:00pm
  • CCBE Office (Day): Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 3:00pm
  • CCBE Office (Evening): Monday to Thursday - 5:00pm to 9:30pm


Lockers are available for all students. To use a locker, you must register with the office and provide your lock combination or a duplicate key. Do not leave food or opened drinks in lockers, and empty your locker upon departure. Lockers will be cleared if not emptied within one week of a student’s departure. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


In an emergency, please report to the Main Office for assistance.


In case of a fire drill, follow the clearly marked exits. Students should follow their teacher’s instructions and proceed quietly. Do not return to your locker. Once outside, teachers will take attendance.


  • During class: Follow your teacher’s instructions. Cell phones must be turned off or in vibrate mode. Teachers will review lockdown procedures at the beginning of each session.
  • Outside class: If outdoors, move to a safe area (e.g., Lauren Hill Senior School). If in a washroom, find the nearest lockable room or stay hidden in complete silence until authorities arrive.

Academic Timetable
Block A: 8:30 – 10:30
Block B: 10:45 – 12:45
Block C: 13:35 – 15:35

CCBE Timetable
Day Classes : 8:30 – 12:30

Evening Classes: 17:30-21:30

Francization Timetable
Day Classes : 8:30 – 12:30

Evening Classes: 17:30 - 21:30

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